Gondwana: Das Praehistorium (Saarland, Germany)

This blog runs on some simple rules: if you give us good food, a castle, science, or dinosaurs, then we are pretty much sold. “Gondwana: das Prehistorium” promises the latter, and it definitely delivers.

The… museum? (park? installation? it’s hard to choose) takes you on a trip through the history of our planet. The place alternates between traditional fossil exhibitions and interactive environments, transporting you to storms inside rock canyons and frozen forests, passing through 3D cinemas and modern materials inspired by dinosaur skin. AND THERE ARE (high quality, very expensive looking) ROBOT DINOSAURS AT EVERY STEP! Small ones, large ones, very large ones, all of it leading to a well done epic battle and a restaurant with dinosaur chicken nuggets.

The exhibition closes with a time travel area, where you’ll go from cavemen and enemies storming a town in the middle ages to the inside of a space station. If you like science, dinosaurs, and are visiting the Saarland for some inexplicable reason*, this is definitely the place for you.

Spreepferdchen approves
DönerBox approves

* both Spreepferdchen and Döner Box agree that otherwise Saarland/Saarbrücken is not the best travel destination.