According to Michael from the Netflix series “The Good Place”, Frozen Yoghurt is just “ok”. I think he has a point as to me FroYo is neither as good as yoghurt nor as good as ice cream. Except for Menchies….
Menchies is an American Frozen Yoghurt chain with shops mostly in the US and Canada, but also in some Asian and a few other countries. I discovered Menchies in Toronto, and as a candy addict, I had to try it. Menchies is not like any European Frozen Yoghurt I know. In Europe, it often comes just as “natural” yoghurt flavour, or sometimes in a very few fruity flavours. But even the fruity versions are more close to actual yoghurt and are thus somewhat sour.
Menchies, on the other hand, has lots of great flavours. The FroYo is not sour at all and rather reminds me of milk-based soft serve. Of course, there are also plenty of toppings one can choose from. Payment is done by weight. That means there is only one (big) cup size. You take what you like and the cup is weighted at the end. It’s a dangerous endeavour to step inside a Menchies shop, for both your wallet and your hips. But it’s always worth it!